Class Page Sample
English Class
This is a sample page to show you what the class page looks like. The class fees for Watsu 1, Watsu 2, and Structured Freeflow with Toru Ogasawara are all the same and the page is showing the price as of April 2021, but it is subject to change. When we plan a class, a new class page will show up with the specific information.
WATSU 1 (WABA 50 hours)
(Date from) – (Date to)
Day 1 starts at 14:00. / Day 6 finishes at 16:00.
Okinawa Watsu Center
1817 Kanna, Ginoza, Okinawa
Kanna Thalasso Laguna
WATSU Instructor
Class Capacity: 4 – 8 students
Pre-requisites: None
- Class will be finalized to open 1 month prior to Day 1. It is required the minimum number of students to sign up before finalizing to open.
- Due to the characteristics of the therapy work, those with infectious diseases and mental illness are not allowed to participate.
Sign up at least 1 month prior
Facility Fee
Lodging Fee
For 6 nights.
Double Occupancy, JPY20,000
Single Occupancy, JPY30,000
- JPY30,000 is payable with your credit card online as a non-refundable deposit when you sign up. The remaining balance is due in Japanese Yen cash when you check in on Day 1. If you wish to pay that with your credit card, an additional 4% fee will be charged.
- The facility fee includes 5 x lunches and 5 x dinners. It doesn’t include lunch on Day 1. Please have lunch before showing up
- You should prepare what you need for your breakfast, drinks, and snacks. We will have a space for you by the pool where you can keep snacks and we will provide hot water. Your lodge has a basic kitchen. You can cook a simple breakfast. There is a convenience store within a short walk, but nothing else. On Day 1, we will provide you a car ride to a local grocery store. But they may not sell what you would expect in your home town. Please bring what you need if you have specific preferences.
- Auditors get 10% discount on tuition unless the class is filled with full-paying students. Please let us know you have the same class registered in WABA Registry when you sign up. Please note that discounted auditors may not have as many practice turns as other students, depending on the progress in the class.
Sign-up is done by Google Form on the link. We will contact you by email shortly.
What to bring
- Swimwear
- Writing utensils
- Beach sandals (You will wear them in and out of the pool class)
- Water bottle / Thermal Tumbler
- Swim towel (quick dry)
- Skin moisturizer
- Your favorite tea bags / Vitamin C drink powder
- Your favorite breakfast
In Watsu 1 and Watsu 2 class, you will watch the instruction video over and over. You may want to download the videos while you have high-speed WIFI.
WATSU-1 Instruction Video (31:31)
WATSU-2 Instruction Video (59:36)
Class Logistics
Please check out the link to see the logistics and travel tips to attend the class in detail.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us with the contact form below.