Terms and Conditions for Watsu Classes
Basic Requirements
WABA Classes are structured in levels. Some classes may have pre-requisites, such as Watsu 1 should be completed before taking Watsu 2. It is only the credits that are registered in WABA registry that count. If you are missing your previous credits on WABA Registry, please contact the previous instructor.
Due to the characteristics of the bodywork, if you have infectious disease or mental illness, you are not eligible to join the class. If you are concerned about your physical conditions or handicaps, please consult with us beforehand as we will try to see if we can help you to study the class.
Finalizing Class to Open
Every class has a minimum number of participants to take place. We will notify you when the enrollments reach the number. After your enrollment, please do not arrange your trip yet and wait for us to finalize the opening. We will finalize 1 month prior to the class if not before.
Some participants may cancel after signing up and we may fall short of the minimum number, but we won’t cancel the class after finalizing. We will arrange somehow to make the class happen.
When we finalize the class, we will email you an invoice f0r your online payment. Please proceed to pay online right away and start arranging your trip.
Audit Discount
Audit Discount (40% off) If you are taking the class for the second time within 3 years (if you have taken the same class with us or with another instructor before), you get 40% discount on the tuition (not on facility fee nor lodging fee).
Exception. Please note that the discount will not apply when the class is filled by full paying students. Also, the discount will not apply to the class with a visiting instructor.
Cancellation for your convenience
If you cancel your enrollment after finalizing, the tuition will not be refunded, but the tuition can be forwarded to another class you will take with us within 2 years. Your facility fee and lodging fee can be refunded fully except for a cancellation fee from the vendors if there’s any.
Cancellation due to natural disasters and others
If we can’t open the class or you can’t come to the class due to a natural disaster, the related traffic disruption, or an unexpected breakdown of the pool facility, all the fees will be refunded fully except for a cancellation fee from the vendors if there’s any. But we cannot be responsible for any loss or damages that may be caused by canceling your travel.
If the class was canceled partially due to disasters, everything will be refunded at daily rates. WABA credits will be rewarded for the hours you have studied. It is advisable that you will attend the same class in the future to complete the credit as we do allow partial attendance.