050-3700-3196 info@watsucenter.jp 1817 Kanna Ginoza


WATSU Float Noodle


The noodle type of leg float. The buoyancy is high to give you a point of fulcrum for your work. Also, the hydrodynamic resistance is high to give the drag to enhance your movements. Really effective to work on the lumbar area.

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Product Description

WATSU Float Noodle

  • Noodle Cover 87cm x 15cm x 1 piece
  • Float Beads x 1 piece
  • Including VAT, not shipping

Noodle Cover opens with a zipper to contain the inner mesh bag of beads.

You can put it under one leg or both legs. It floats the knee(s) more to sink the hips more. It catches the water to drag the leg(s) in movements. It creates more difference of floatation and of hydrodynamic resistance between what is supported and what is not supported by this noodle so that it enhances your work on the lumbar area.

It’s bigger floatation than straps, but the beads fit onto the body line and give little stress to what it supports. But the floatation is adjusted not to be too buoyant even when used along with straps. Yet, it may be stressful to the knees if you use it for the whole session. It’s supposed to be used in spots.

The beads are filled just enough to be supple and resilient as a whole, making it easy for you to handle during the session.

The double layer system makes it quick to dry and easy to keep clean.

After use, separate the inner and outer, rinse with running water, and dry in the shade. You should make sure they are off of chlorine. Handle the deads with care as they are weak to pressure.

We use different textiles for Noddle Cover every time we produce a lot. Please contact us if you want to see the patterns and colors of what’s in stock.

IMPORTANT!! Please note that this noodle-type floatation is not supposed to use to float the head. The buoyancy tries to move itself toward the neck, instead of the head, hyperextending the neck. It is very dangerous. Use our head pillow when you want to float the head.

※ The technical usage of this floatation is best to be studied in Aquatic Integration with Camron West.


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